Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Avatar Review

Of course you already know it's visually AMAZING. Most of the movie takes place in a world that does not exist...wherein everything you see is created digitally. Avatar's accomplishment is that you forget this fact. Everything, from each blade of grass to the skies and views to the faces, eyes, and skin of the characters looks completely real. The main character states, at one point, that Pandora feels more real than his real life with the other humans. As a viewer you are with him on this.

You can read other reviews for what Avatar does incredibly well...I'm going to continue with things that bothered me. James Cameron is a great "idea man" for movies...he envisioned something amazing and created it. However, he is not a great screenwriter. In movies like The Terminator this isn't a big deal. Even "Titanic" was not ruined by his mediocre ability as a writer. It was still a visual treat and (for most people) a touching love story. For me Avatar suffers from some of the same fate as George Lucas's "Star Wars" movies. Big, sweeping vision...captivating overall story arc that is compelling but when you get down to the nitty gritty...the details...there is A LOT to nit pick about. Questions that don't get answered, corny dialog and cheesy names for things. Really you couldn't come up with a better planet name than Pandora? And the whole movie is based around the fact that humans NEED a substance called unobtanium..not sure how that is spelled. Really? Why not hard-to-getium? Impossible-ium?

I'll be honest, I'm hard to please when it comes to a good script and quality acting. I think I was about 60% through "Avatar" before the script started to bother me. I was dazzled...engrossed in the world as I should have been. The story was compelling enough that I was happy being taken along for the ride and not questioning the direction it was going.

However, at that point I started to think. I started to notice I was in a screenwriter's grasp and began looking towards the horizon and wondering where we were going between here and the end of the movie. It's at this point that Avatar runs out of tricks and has nowhere to go but the same place a thousand movies before have. Dances With Wolves. Braveheart. Fern Gully. 300. Visually you're on an alien planet but story-wise you're in a movie you've seen many, many times.

I only say this because at a certain point the movie spoils the momentum it far as the story and emotions go. There is tragedy but you never cry. There is love but you never feel head-over-heels. There is so much POTENTIAL for this...but the magic never *quite* climaxes enough for a good emotional payoff. The battle is incredible, the love story is beautiful. But there is a *connection* that is missing.

Now...the ONLY reason I care, the only reason I'm critiquing here is because for me Avatar is a solid 4 stars. It's incredible and I'd recommend it to anyone. I just feel a little sad that it isn't 5. You can't go back in time before the thousands of hours of animation and polish...but if you could I think this could easily be a 5 star of best...with a little work on the script. It needs a little more Shakespeare and little less James Cameron.

If you were blown away EMOTIONALLY as well as visually Avatar would be...well...awe-inspiring well after the screen goes dark.



  1. I was apparently more annoyed by the "story-line" than you were. I wanted the movie to be a good 30 minutes shorter, as somewhere they lost my attention. And was it just me or was it a bit preachy?? White man come to new world and destroys it? IMO . visually beautiful

  2. Yes, I agree totally. The movie was too long but at the same time there were important plot points that were rushed through...such as when what's his name grabs the red dragon and convinces everyone he's one of them. Suddenly he's Neo in The Matrix? And yes. It was preachy. Anyone with a heart feels bad about how the Native Americans were treated as well as African American slaves. But rewriting it and having it happen AGAIN in the future is pretty damn insulting! Like hey, guess what white people/America you're STILL terrible people and should be ashamed. Thanks. As the viewer you are meant to side with the blue people but when all is said and done we are the bad guys.

    If James Cameron really wants to make a statement he should fire his maid and clean his own bathroom. Then maybe I'd listen haha!

  3. I guess I really expected a fresh story not the same ol' same ol' rehashed.
    There is no disputing the beauty of the film, nor the amazing 3D , storyline was lame.

  4. I agree that the storyline was completely lacking. I was disappointed once I figured out what was going to happen.
